Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama is American, Trump is Annoying

Recently there has been a lot of rekindled controversy on Obama's citizenship, and whether or not his birth certificate was real. At the beginning of the interest on this topic a couple years ago, Obama issued a copy of his Certificate of Live Birth to quiet the issue.

A Certificate of Live Birth is what anyone would have if they needed to request a new copy of their birth certificate. For whatever reason, Obama didn't have his original.

Anyway, the Certificate of Live Birth really looks like a poorly scanned document that doesn't show any signatures. About a week ago there were a lot of people talking about this, including Donald Trump who seems to be spearheading the conspiracy theory (check out Trump here). By the way, did you all know Trump is running for President?

Honestly, Obama is a great president and he's already in office so I personally don't feel like it should matter anyway. Especially when there are way more important things happening right now -- but, today Obama's White House blog posted an image of Obama's "long form" birth certificate to finally get America off the topic.

Check out the blog entry, it's interesting. And the newly posted birth certificate is definitely real. Of course it's still not the original, it's an official copy released from the Hawaiian hospital where the president was born. You can tell it's a copy onto watermarked paper -- but it's legitimate and has real signatures.

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